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Joe Hinson
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Member Stats & Data
Total Photos: 895
Views: 1,217,118 Screener's Choice: 0
Favorites: 5,110 People's Choice: 0
Comments: 75 Photo of the Week: 0
Avg Views: 1,359.91
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Personal Information
Location: Columbia, South Carolina
Occupation: Former TV News Photographer and grocery store Dairy/FF stocker
Website: https://josephchinson.pixels.com/

Camera Equipment
Camera Used: Canon 60D
Lenses Used:

Photo Albums
Early CSXAlbum Views: 371
Norfolk Southern F Units - Then & NowAlbum Views: 799
Norfolk Southern F Units - Then & Now
Circus TrainsAlbum Views: 421
Ringlin' Bros. etc. etc. but also James Strates carnival trains
Vintage ShotsAlbum Views: 1,796
Oldies but goodies (pre-1970 or so) uploaded to Railpictures.
Cabooses of the WorldAlbum Views: 843
Classic L&C Album Views: 1,892
Before their GPs and six axle power
Get SteamedAlbum Views: 2,158
Steam train images
PassengersAlbum Views: 2,186
Passenger trains and light rail
IndustryAlbum Views: 1,291
Cool industrial scenes
Heritage... and Other Special PaintAlbum Views: 1,671
I love me some heritage units!
Cool BridgesAlbum Views: 2,724
Wow! Look at this!Album Views: 3,005
Things that defy explanation or deserve a second -- or third -- look.
Dash 7s and U-boatsAlbum Views: 921
High Hoodness GoodnessAlbum Views: 1,253
They are rare and getting rarer.
AlcosAlbum Views: 1,375
Buttheads -- EMD End Cab SwitchersAlbum Views: 2,134

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