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Hunter Williams
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Member Stats & Data
Total Photos: 919
Views: 1,711,377 Screener's Choice: 8
Favorites: 6,059 People's Choice: 6
Comments: 127 Photo of the Week: 1
Avg Views: 1,862.22
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Personal Information
Location: Fayetteville, AR
Occupation: Agent at Arkansas & Missouri RR
Website: flickr.com/photos/wrathillumines
Interests: I like photographing trains and collecting old cameras.

Camera Equipment
Camera Used: Nikon D4 & DJI Mini SE
Lenses Used: Several, but hands-down, my favorite is my Sigma 24 f/1.4

Photo Albums
Yellow Brick RoadAlbum Views: 4,137
Photos showcasing Pittsburgh's famed "Yellow Brick Road" in West Park

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