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John B. West
- Contact John B. West -

Member Stats & Data
Total Photos: 622
Views: 4,322,179 Screener's Choice: 13
Favorites: 13,783 People's Choice: 32
Comments: 1,570 Photo of the Week: 8
Avg Views: 6,948.84
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Personal Information
Location: Mill Valley, CA
Occupation: Unemployed railwayman
Website: https://chasingtrains.smugmug.com
Interests: Family, wild women (my wife), good friends, trains, photography, hiking, gardening, travel, fine wine, good whiskey, jug wine, cheap bourbon, more or less in that order......

Camera Equipment
Camera Used: Argus C3, Voigtlander Vito B, Minolta Super A, Linhof 4x5, Nikon F, Nikkormat, Rolleiflex 2.8, Nikon 8008, Nikon F100, Nikon D40, and a few more from way back that I can't remember. Recently added: a D90, to see if pixels really do make a difference.
Lenses Used: 20mm to 400 mm

Photo Albums
EritreaAlbum Views: 10,318
This album is for me to dream. Hopefully I will visit before it is too late.
Photos I would frame and hang on the wallAlbum Views: 17,015
I've gone through the pix I have commented on or favorited and picked a few that I would frame and hang on the wall. So many good pix. This is the tip of the iceberg. Thanks to those who post all the great images on Railpix.
Rio Grande Narrow Gauge in the 60'sAlbum Views: 18,412
The DRGW narrow gauge was the last major steam operation in the U.S. The climb over 10,000 foot Cumbres pass was spectacular, with two engines handling 70 car trains. Hopefully these images convey some of the drama of mountain steam railroading.
La TrochitaAlbum Views: 9,169
The narrow gauge line to Esquel, Argentina, variously known as La Trochita, The Old Patagonian Express, or just the Esquel line, linked the remote villages of southern Patagonia with the outside world. It is amazing that the line still exists.

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