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Alan Crotty
- Contact Alan Crotty -

Member Stats & Data
Total Photos: 319
Views: 1,533,324 Screener's Choice: 7
Favorites: 2,184 People's Choice: 13
Comments: 614 Photo of the Week: 4
Avg Views: 4,806.66
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Personal Information
Location: Ashford Kent U.K. 50 miles south of London.
Occupation: Retired railway Engineer, Signalman RH&DR one day a week
Website: http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/hotmetal/
Interests: Photography; golf; railways and travel

Camera Equipment
Camera Used: EOS 1Dmk2 & EOS 1Dmk3
Lenses Used: 17-40 f4; 24-105 f4; 70-200 f4 and 100-400 f5.6

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